High-Quality Professional Learning
We know that what is learned and how it's learned matters if principal professional learning is going to have an impact on student and school outcomes (Darling-Hammond et al., 2022). We are dedicated to providing high-quality professional learning (HQPL) for principals and assistant principals in the state of Alabama. HQPL experiences target school leadership development and are comprehensive, sustained, job-embedded, and collaborative approaches to improving the effectiveness of school administrators in elevating student achievement through professional study. Additionally, HQPL experiences align with the Alabama Standards for School Leadership and the Alabama Standards for Professional Learning.
One requirement for successful completion of the Alabama Principal Leadership Development System (APLDS) program each year is that principals and assistant principals must complete
at least 30 APLDS clock hours of high-quality professional learning from the state-approved listed.
Selecting Professional Learning
Consider the following questions when selecting
high-quality professional learning from the following state-approved lists.
PLP Goals
Will the professional learning help me meet my PLP goals related to growth, achievement, and school climate?
What skills and practices in the Alabama Standards for School Leadership do I need to develop?
What areas of professional growth do I need to focus on the most right now based on my leadership context?
Reviewing Transcripts for APLDS Clock Hours
updated November 26, 2024
All APLDS clock hours must be awarded through the PowerSchool Professional Learning platform
under the Office of APLDS (Alabama Principal Leadership Development System).
Other Guidance:
Please contact the professional learning provider with questions regarding session offerings.
The state-approved list will continue to be updated throughout the school year.
For ACLD PLUs, participants must also register for the PLU course in PowerSchool Professional Learning to receive PLU credit.
Professional learning must be approved by supervisors through the Professional Learning Plan (PLP).
Requirements for Elementary School Administrators
(Principals and Assistant Principals)
In accordance with the law, elementary school administrators (principals and assistant principals) are required to participate in early literacy and early numeracy high-quality professional learning experiences. You can find approved professional learning experiences that meet this requirement below.
For more information about session details (e.g., date, time, location), please contact the professional learning provider.
Early Literacy (K-3)
APLDS - ARI: Strong Leader, Strong Reader: Leadership Labs
Leadership labs are an opportunity to engage in school-embedded professional development as a team of principals. Leadership labs are structured around an observation of a principal leading the coaching effort, accompanied with a debrief to unpack implications and points of learning that relate to leading a successful coaching effort. A prebrief also provides time for the principal to set the focus and share tools and strategies that are being used at the school.
Note: This course is only available to K-3 principals.
Professional Learning Provider:
Alabama Reading Initiative (ARI)
Regional Inservice Center:
APLDS Clock Hour(s):
PowerSchool Professional Learning Number:
Early Literacy (K-3)
APLDS - ARI: Live Virtual Sessions with Diane Sweeney on Leadership Supporting Coaching
This professional learning experience applies to all grade levels and multiple content areas.
Diane Sweeney, author of Leading Student-Centered Coaching, will provide a series of trainings to support principals creating positive changes in their building through Student Centered Coaching Practices and how to support the coaches in their building to increase student achievement. Each session will last one hour and 15 minutes, for a total of four sessions.
Please register for the WebEx series and all FOUR PowerSchool sessions in order to receive credit for the Principal Act.
Webinar series registration link:
For more information about Diane Sweeney, visit the link below.
Link: https://www.dianesweeney.com/
Professional Learning Provider:
Alabama Reading Initiative (ARI)
Regional Inservice Center:
APLDS Clock Hour(s):
PowerSchool Professional Learning Number:
Early Literacy (K-3)
APLDS - ARI: Live Virtual Sessions with Mel Ilk on Supporting a Schoolwide System for Literacy
These sessions will be led by Mel Ilk, author of LETRS for Administrators. Participants will learn about the critical systems and structures necessary for the successful implementation of a system of literacy instruction. A model for implementation will be provided for participants to analyze current school practices and define the next steps for a successful implementation.
Professional Learning Provider:
Alabama Reading Initiative (ARI)
Regional Inservice Center:
APLDS Clock Hour(s):
PowerSchool Professional Learning Number:
Early Literacy (K-3)
APLDS - ARI: Oral Language, Dyscalculia, and Dysgraphia Series Presented by June Shelton School and Evaluation Center
The Shelton School will be providing state-wide PD on oral language, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia on the following dates and times:
Oral Language Friday, July 12, 2024, 2:30-3:30 (for Grade Levels K-3)
Dyscalculia Friday, August 9, 2024, 2:30-3:30 (for Grade Levels K-12)
Dysgraphia Friday, August 30, 2024, 2:30-3:30 (for Grade Levels K-12)
Professional Learning Provider:
Alabama Reading Initiative (ARI)
Regional Inservice Center:
APLDS Clock Hour(s):
PowerSchool Professional Learning Number:
State-Approved List
updated November 26, 2024
You can search all state-approved professional learning experiences below by provider and Regional Inservice Center.
For more information about session details (e.g., date, time, location), please contact the professional learning provider.
APLDS - A+ Best Practices & RIC: PLUACLD1265: Powerful Learning Network (PLN) 2024-2025
Purpose: For the 2024-2025 school year, the Powerful Learning Network (PLN) will continue to build on the learning from past years while also addressing the most pressing needs of our schools, districts, and individual members. Based on member input, we will combine new learning from our focus text as well as explore additional research from key areas. A rewiring school culture post-COVID thread will be woven throughout the year as we also provide a secondary focus for each meeting, building on the past High Reliability Schools work.
Requirements: Members will be asked to read Steve Gruenert and Todd Whitaker's School Culture Rewired 2nd Edition. They will also participate in three face-to-face meetings and three virtual meetings. Members will complete an implementation plan and share their results with colleagues during the final session.
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this professional study.
Sites: This professional study will be offered throughout the state at seven regional locations.
Participants will earn 1 ACLD PLU, upon successful completion.
This professional study will be offered for one year.
Professional Learning Provider:
A+ Best Practices; Regional Inservice Center (RIC)
Regional Inservice Center:
Target Audience:
APLDS Clock Hour(s):
PowerSchool Professional Learning Number:
APLDS - A+ Best Practices: Building Collective Efficacy Through Peer Coaching
The research is very clear on the effectiveness of peer coaching to create sustained improvement in instructional practices and student achievement. (Joyce & Showers, 2002, p. 78) This one-day training will focus on the theory, practice, and the implementation of peer coaching to build collective efficacy. Participants will experience the 6-Phase Model of Learning as they explore the skills and disposition necessary for successful peer coaching. Attendees will practice the Peer Coaching Cycle as well as discuss and plan for peer coaching and implementing peer coaching programs.
Professional Learning Provider:
A+ Best Practices
Regional Inservice Center:
Target Audience:
APLDS Clock Hour(s):
PowerSchool Professional Learning Number:
APLDS - A+ College Ready: Connecting the Dots: HRS Framework, Instructional Framework, NASOT, and ATOT
School administrators will begin planning for a year of continuous improvement by actively learning how to develop an instructional framework for their school, using the New Art and Science of Teaching as a foundation for the framework. Additionally administrators will engage in a learning activity to see the connections between the New Art and Science of Teaching and the Alabama Teacher Observation Tool. Following the activity the participants will do observational rounds of the classroom with the ATOT tool using the NASOT connections. Finally, school leaders will receive training on Leading peer observation Instructional Rounds in their schools. They will again do observational rounds collecting evidence of the instructional elements of focus.
Professional Learning Provider:
A+ College Ready
Regional Inservice Center:
Target Audience:
APLDS Clock Hour(s):
PowerSchool Professional Learning Number:
APLDS - A+ College Ready: Regional Administrator Network Meeting
A+ College Ready school leadership teams will spend the day focused on their role as instructional leaders, responsible for leading change in their school and ensuring they are doing the "right work" to most positively impact student achievement. Participants will learn change leadership theories and apply these theories to their own specific situations, including a plan to lead change through their school's instructional framework, instructional rounds practices, and professional learning committees. They will also learn more specific information about the Leading Indicators that comprise their current status on Marzano High Reliability Schools Framework and develop a plan to measure these indicators.
For questions, please contact Tammy Dunn at tammy@aplusala.org.
Please note the ALSDE is not responsible for registration cost associated with the professional learning opportunity.
Professional Learning Provider:
A+ College Ready
Regional Inservice Center:
Target Audience:
APLDS Clock Hour(s):
PowerSchool Professional Learning Number:
APLDS - ACT: 2024 Southeast ACT Summit
Conference Description:
The Southeast ACT Summit is a 1.5 day event with pre-conferences available the morning of the first day for a total of two days of potential professional development. There will be two keynotes and 9 opportunities to attend breakout sessions (a total of 36 sessions).
Session topics include but are not limited to:
- Best practices for new professionals.
- The state of apprenticeship in education and workforce.
- Creating an ACT Community of Practice.
- Helping students maximize their education through quality advising.
- Parent and community engagement.
- Strategic enrollment management.
- Building the future workforce through pathways and partnerships.
- Using AI in the classroom.
- Supporting student mental health.
Link to agenda: https://cvent.me/w1mwlo?RefId=Agenda
For questions about the conference, please contact Bobby Rush at bobby.rush@act.org.
Professional Learning Provider:
Regional Inservice Center:
Target Audience:
APLDS Clock Hour(s):
PowerSchool Professional Learning Number:
APLDS - AEA: Minority Leadership Training (MLT) Conference
Conference Description:
The Alabama Education Association is hosting its annual Minority Leadership Training (MLT) Conference on November 1-3, 2024, at the Perdido Beach Resort, 27200 Perdido Beach Blvd, Orange Beach, Alabama. Registration will begin on Friday, November 1, 2024, at 4:00 p.m., with the opening session beginning at 7:00 p.m.
Registration Link: https://form.jotform.com/242496971744167
Contact: For questions about the conference and APLDS clock hour credit, please contact Dr. Pamela Fossett at pamela.fossett@alaedu.org.
Please note the ALSDE is not responsible for costs associated with the professional learning opportunity.
Professional Learning Provider:
Alabama Education Association (AEA)
Regional Inservice Center:
Target Audience:
APLDS Clock Hour(s):
PowerSchool Professional Learning Number:
APLDS - Alyson Carpenter Consulting LLC: Unlocking the Dynamics of the Multigenerational Workplace (PLUACLD1272)
This program is designed to equip educational leaders with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the challenges and harness the strengths of a multigenerational workforce. This professional study aims to provide educational leaders with a deep understanding of generational dynamics in the workplace and empower them with practical strategies for effective leadership and teamwork across generations.
This course will consist of one all-day face-to-face session and three 90-minute virtual sessions. Active engagement in discussions and session protocols is essential for course learning. Completing assigned readings and participating in interim assignments are also essential for the study. Interim assignments will be used in subsequent sessions, ensuring preparation for learning and accountability.
Please note the ALSDE is not responsible for registration cost associated with the professional learning opportunity.
For more information, please contact Alyson Carpenter at alysoncarpenterconsulting@gmail.com.
Professional Learning Provider:
Alyson Carpenter Consulting LLC
Regional Inservice Center:
Target Audience:
APLDS Clock Hour(s):
PowerSchool Professional Learning Number:
APLDS - Alyson Carpenter Consulting LLC: Power-Up Learning Through Powerful Instructional Design (PLUACLD1114)
The purpose of this course is to support leaders at all levels as they strive to improve instruction and collaboration across their organizations. Using research-based tools and methods, participants will deepen their knowledge of instructional design processes and data analysis methods that lead to student achievement. Along the way, participants will consider strategies for enhancing the culture of collaboration and public learning as a catalyst for needed change across their organization.
This course will consist of one virtual and three face-to-face sessions. An estimate of pre-session participation is 30-45 minutes per session. Interim assignments relating content to school/district contexts will be used as part of subsequent sessions, ensuring connected learning and participant engagement through networking.
Guiding Texts: Powerful Task Design: Rigorous and Engaging Tasks to Level Up Instruction by John Antonetti and Terri Stice and 17,000 Classroom Visits Can’t Be Wrong: Strategies That Engage Students, Promote Active Learning, and Boost Achievement by John Antonetti and James Garver
For more information, please contact Alyson Carpenter at alysoncarpenterconsulting@gmail.com.
Professional Learning Provider:
Alyson Carpenter Consulting LLC
Regional Inservice Center:
Target Audience:
APLDS Clock Hour(s):
PowerSchool Professional Learning Number:
APLDS - AMSTI: 2019 ALCOS: Mathematics Overview (K-5): Navigation & Implementation
To view a calendar of events and REGISTER for this professional learning experience, please go to the link: https://www.amsti.org/professional-learning
APLDS clock hour credit will be awarded for this course after the professional learning session. For questions, please contact your AMSTI facilitator.
The K-5 2019 Alabama Course of Study: Mathematics Overview is professional learning for elementary teachers, special education teachers, paraprofessionals, and elementary math coaches. The 3-hour session focuses on understanding the new 2019 Alabama Course of Study: Mathematics and its conceptual framework: Position Statements, Mathematical Teaching Practices, Student Mathematical Practices and the K-5 Content Areas. This session provides opportunities for participants to apply their learning from the Math Foundational Training and take their learning deeper as they analyze learning progressions and determine how to incorporate the mathematical practices throughout math instruction.
Professional Learning Provider:
Alabama Math, Science, and Technology Initiative (AMSTI)
Regional Inservice Center:
Target Audience:
APLDS Clock Hour(s):
PowerSchool Professional Learning Number:
APLDS - AMSTI: AMSTI Math Content Sessions for School-Based Administrators in Full- and Limited-Support Schools (ANA)
Available upon request and need: Attend AMSTI math content session as determined by data, teacher surveys, school administrator, and OMI.
For questions, please contact your AMSTI facilitator or OMI Regional Coordinator.
Professional Learning Provider:
Alabama Math, Science, and Technology Initiative (AMSTI)
Regional Inservice Center:
Target Audience:
APLDS Clock Hour(s):
PowerSchool Professional Learning Number:
APLDS - AMSTI: K-12 Science Foundational Training 2024 (SFT 2024)
To view a calendar of events and REGISTER for this professional learning experience, please go to the link: https://www.amsti.org/professional-learning
APLDS clock hour credit will be awarded for this course after the professional learning session. For questions, please contact your AMSTI facilitator.
Outcomes include: 1) examine the role of AMSTI in improving K-12 science teaching and learning; 2) experience the 2023 Alabama Course of Study (ACOS): Science, and 3) equip educators to participate in AMSTI's essential services.
Professional Learning Provider:
Alabama Math, Science, and Technology Initiative (AMSTI)
Regional Inservice Center:
Target Audience:
APLDS Clock Hour(s):
PowerSchool Professional Learning Number:
APLDS - AMSTI: Math Foundational Training (K-5)
To view a calendar of events and REGISTER for this professional learning experience, please go to the link: https://www.amsti.org/professional-learning
APLDS clock hour credit will be awarded for this course after the professional learning session. For questions, please contact your AMSTI facilitator.
This training is a prerequisite for AMSTI K-5 Math Content Area Trainings. This 1-day training is designed to provide an overview of pedagogical strategies to be implemented with any mathematics content. The session focuses on the mathematics teaching practices and the formative assessment cycle.
Professional Learning Provider:
Alabama Math, Science, and Technology Initiative (AMSTI)
Regional Inservice Center:
Target Audience:
APLDS Clock Hour(s):
PowerSchool Professional Learning Number:
2024-25 Principal Act State-Approved Professional Learning Conference List
You can search state-approved conferences below.
For more information about session details (e.g., date, time, location), please contact the professional learning provider.
Principal Act State-Approved Professional Learning Request Form
Superintendents, district administrators, and vendors may request state approval for high-quality professional learning experiences. To request approval, the Principal Act State-Approved Professional Learning Request Form must be completed through DocuSign.
Submission Received By | Review Window |
July 1 - 31, 2024 | August 1-31, 2024 |
August 1- September 30, 2024 | October 1-31, 2024 |
October 1 – November 30, 2024 | December 1-31, 2024 |
December 1, 2024 – January 31, 2025 | February 1-28, 2025 |
February 1 – March 31, 2025 | April 1-30, 2025 |
April 1 – May 31, 2025 | June 1-30, 2025 |
June 1 – July 31, 2025 | August 1-31, 2025 |
Principals and assistant principals are encouraged to reach out to the district APLDS program contact for additional guidance.
State-Approved List Support
For questions about the state-approved list, reach out to Dr. Anna Shepherd-Jones at:
Email: anna.jones@alsde.edu
Phone: 334.694.0785
Technical Support
For questions and support with PowerSchool Professional Learning, reach out to Rhett Cutts at:
Email: rcutts@alsde.edu
Phone: 334.694.4828